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Visit Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber’s Swanton Lumber Location

Every project calls for expert guidance and products from reputable industry brands to ensure they get completed safely and correctly. Let the team at Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber’s Swanton Lumber location help you navigate our extensive inventory of building supplies and materials while advising you on the best products and strategies. Whether you need lumber, power tools, or materials to finish a roofing project, you can trust the sales team to make your equipment and materials purchases easy and insightful. Let us give you the five-star service you deserve and access to high-quality shingles, tools, siding, and any other products you might need.


Trust Our Friendly Staff’s Expert Knowledge

The staff in each of our location’s departments has in-depth knowledge about the products we sell and which will best suit your project. When you need guidance on whether hardwood or vinyl siding will be the better choice for a home, we draw on years of industry experience to match you with the options that fit your needs and budget. Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber has been serving customers since 1914 and specializes in sound advice for big and small projects, from tile flooring in a bathroom to a from-scratch construction project. Don’t hesitate to tell us about your project and get an honest opinion on the best choices in paint, flooring, plumbing supplies, and any other items.

Stellar Building Supplies & Services for Your Project

The quality, benefits, and cost of any tool, component, or building material impact your decision on whether to use it in a home. Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber pairs our extensive selection of building supplies with time-tested industry expertise to ensure you always make an informed decision. We have products ranging from hand tools and power tools of all types to electrical and plumbing supplies. If you need lighting solutions, new windows, and doors, or quality paints or stains to finish your walls or woodwork, we have what you need. Even full-scale kitchen and bath remodels are in our wheelhouse with an inventory of cabinetry, faucets, fixtures, countertops, and hardware.

We Aim for Your Complete Satisfaction

Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber makes every customer’s satisfaction our top priority. We have five locations around the state, and each one is ready to serve your needs with friendly and knowledgeable service. Contact us today with any questions about our products and how we can help you. We look forward to you visiting our Swanton Lumber location to take advantage of our helpful advice, trustworthy service, and high-quality building supplies.

Sticks & Stuff and Swanton Lumber

11 N River St.
Swanton, VT 05488



Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 7:00AM – 5:00PM

Saturday: 7:30AM – NOON             



11 N River St, Swanton, VT 05488, USA

Staff Directory

David Turner

Operations Manager
Ext. 304

Michael Pariseau

Human Resource Office
Ext. 554

Olivia Horton

Human Resources
Ext. 307

Alan Mayhew
Mike Lemnah
Justin Sample
Larry Sherman

Contractor Sales & Support
Ext. 303

Scott Rheaume

Contractor Sales & Support
Ext. 302

Tim Marceau